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contoh kalimat columbia encyclopedia

"columbia encyclopedia" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The Columbia encyclopedia of Modern Drama, (Vol.
    The Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Drama (dalam bahasa Inggris).
  • Here we'll look at the Plagiarism Spectrum and provide examples for clarity using a simple passage about elephants, found in The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition.
    Di sini kita akan melihat Spagiarisme Spektrum dan memberikan contoh untuk kejelasan menggunakan bagian sederhana tentang gajah, ditemukan di The Columbia Encyclopedia, edisi 6th.
  • Founded in 1893, Columbia University Press is notable for publishing reference works, such as The Columbia Encyclopedia (1935–present), The Columbia Granger's Index to Poetry (online as The Columbia World of Poetry Online) and The Columbia Gazetteer of the World (also online) and for publishing music.
    Perusahaan ini dikenal sebagai penerbit tulisan-tulisan referensi seperti The Columbia Encyclopedia (1935–sekarang), The Columbia Granger's Index to Poetry (judul daringnya The Columbia World of Poetry Online), dan The Columbia Gazetteer of the World (juga daring) dan karya musik.